My mission and story of how it all began

My journey into a more conscious life started about 10 years ago when I met my first love who has made me aware of the societal norms and structures I lived in so peacefully without ever questioning what I truly wanted. As my heart opened so did my mind and I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and mindfulness. My efforts at that time were primarily directed at a specific goal - success - or specifically toward what I was taught success looked like for an empowered woman like myself. It wasn’t until many years later that I discovered what true mindfulness, embodiment, and dedication to a spiritual path meant. 

To date, I lived my life embodying the high achiever of our modern society, straight A student, analytical mind, high focus, social and communication skills, and a very strong work ethic. After finishing my Master’s Degree in Management, I joined a hyper-growth start-up in its early phase and dedicated my entire being to the quest of growing this business in order to grow myself. About halfway through that journey, one of the incredibly talented individuals I was managing gave me the most important feedback of my life. She said “Tina you are like a robot. You are just unrelatable.” This feedback came at a time when I was struggling with my own decision-making. I observed myself getting lost in overthinking and trying to solve everything with my mind instead of listening to my intuition, which had always been quite present for me up to that point. So just like that - it suddenly hit me - I had disconnected from my body for years. My ability to feel was close to nothing, this related to emotions but also physical pleasure. 

Aside from my career, I was in an open relationship for many years,, always in the search of more pleasure, and more excitement, eventually ending up feeling drawn to BDSM the most because it was the first thing that could unlock my sensations. At that point, my inner feminine was so deeply buried that I needed the extreme to surrender and feel. This worked for a while but didn’t solve my deeply rooted shame and oppression of my sexuality which fundamentally disconnected me from my vitality and ability to receive pleasure. As our bodies' wisdom tends to be further ahead than our mind. I was given many signs throughout the years with the most prevalent one of chronic vaginal yeast infections that would over and over again be my body's way of saying NO to the unconscious, performant, and mostly disconnected sex I was having. In consequence, my mind would tell me that my body was betraying me, preventing me from having sex even though I was perfectly able to experience orgasms and “enjoy myself without shame”. 

Intuitively, I have known that my body was trying to tell me something, which is why I have been on a deep quest to find out what true pleasure meant, finding the depths of intimacy and reconnecting to my sensuality. I knew that I was merely scratching the surface of what was possible. I somehow never wanted to accept that this was it. I sensed the depth of intimacy and pleasure without knowing what I was feeling or looking for. Eventually, I found my way to Tantra and started my journey to a more embodied and authentic self a few years ago.

Love, Sex and Relationships have been my main source of inspiration and passion for most of my adult life. I have been in an open relationship for 2 years before agreeing with my partner to fully embrace the polyamorous life, sharing not only physical but also emotional intimacy with others. Being in this unconventional relationship constellation for 6 years, I have navigated lots of adversities, pain and pleasure and been on the greatest personal growth journey I could have ever imagined. The ego has very little space here as you can imagine. One day I just suddenly realised that this is my mission to share these learnings. I wanted to help people create their forms of authentic relating, and inspire them that there is happiness in full expression of love and pleasure and that it is ok to question societal norms and cultural conditioning if it doesn’t resonate with us. 

I have always been able to see the light in people even when they could not see it themselves and Tantra has finally given me the true understanding of what that means. According to Tantric philosophy, the divine (any form of higher consciousness or god) is not separate from our humanity, but it lives inside of us all. I was also never a fan of extremes or labels, I never understood why we classify our beings, desires, traits, and behaviors as good or bad when all of it was part of who we are. Seemingly I was intuitively feeling and living in a tantric way before knowing what it was. I truly found my home, my purpose, and my dharma in spreading awareness of a more loving, blissful, authentic, and accepting life. 

It is my mission to help individuals and couples to a deeper connection with themselves and others, to cultivate radical self-love and acceptance. I want to support you on your quest to be more heartful, intimate, and authentic. I want to guide you in following your inner truth in relationships, intimacy, and life overall. Throughout our lives, we all build several walls and masks to protect ourselves. I will support you in identifying them and putting them off to access your true identity and desires. We have inherited universal wisdom within ourselves and all we need to do is listen.

In Tantra we say, whatever you do, do it with full awareness and understanding of yourself. Learn to receive from the universe what you desire. Experience sacred union, free sexual expression, sensuality, and a hundred different forms of intimacy, build your tribe, love yourself first, and free your pleasure.


From Chaos to Clarity: Understanding and Balancing Inner Polarities