Experience the transformative power of conscious touch as you unravel deeper layers of your divine potential and journey towards personal awakening and transformation.

embrace a life of presence, joy, and profound connection with yourself and the universe.

Tantra massage is an invitation to surrender to the soothing touch and structured sequences to release, reconnect with your body, and embrace self-love and acceptance, fostering a profound sense of aliveness and awareness in the present moment.

Various philosophical perspectives, including Schopenhauer's pessimism, existentialist philosophy, and Buddhist teachings, delve into the paradoxical nature of human existence concerning the relationship between bliss and fear. These philosophies collectively explore the intricate interplay between human desires for happiness and the accompanying fears and anxieties. All of these philosophies highlight the individual's struggle to find meaning and authenticity, with the fear of happiness stemming from existential tension between freedom and responsibility, or as Buddhism suggests, from clinging to fleeting pleasures or ideals.

In each of these perspectives, humans desire happiness but also fear that it won't last or won't fully satisfy them, showing the complexity of human emotions and aspirations.

For some people, bliss is as difficult to experience as pain is for others -

Tantra Massage offers an opportunity TO increase our capacity for pleasure, aligning our energy and revitalizing every cell in our body.

In the space between massage, ritual and meditation you are given a sanctuary to pause, delve into your inner stillness, and witness the subtle dance of energy and sensations that your body is capable of - and that we are often too busy to notice. I prepare each session carefully to honor your emotional needs, desires and challenges, fostering a safe environment for exploration and healing. 

Kashmiri Tantra Massage

Kashmiri Tantra Massage offers you a profound journey of healing and self-discovery. By merging meditation and sensuality, this massage guides you toward profound relaxation and inner bliss, fostering vitality, strength, and energetic alignment throughout your entire being. You will experience the multidimensionality of sensations that enhance your awareness of your true essence and full potential. It serves as a bridge connecting the layers of life - childhood, adolescence, and adulthood - facilitating the healing of past wounds and broken bonds while inducing a sense of oneness within the body and spirit. 

Through gentle touch and intimate connection, Kashmiri Massage provides a safe space to reconnect with the body, explore erogenous zones, and surrender to vulnerability and intimacy. It is a transformative journey where mutual trust and openness pave the way for healing from traumatic experiences and releasing deep-seated emotional patterns and blockages.

Kashmiri Tantra Massage is for you if:

  • you seek to reconnect with your body and cultivate self-love and acceptance

  • you struggle with letting go of control and wish to embark on a journey of surrender and release

  • you seek a safe and supportive environment to explore your authentic self & access your intuitive wisdom

  • you tend to prioritize the needs of others over your own & desire to reestablish a connection with yourself

  • you are interested in breaking free from limiting dynamics and experiencing profound self-care and self-awareness through touch

  • you simply seek a conscious loving touch that nurtures your soul

“This massage offers you a unique opportunity to increase your capacity for pleasure, overcome emotional and physical barriers, and accelerate spiritual growth, ultimately revitalizing your body, mind, and spirit.”

Tao Tantra Massage

Unlike conventional massages, Tao Tantra Massage will not bring relief to your muscles but ignite your inner fire of bliss, guiding you toward a heightened state of awareness and interconnectedness with yourself and the universe. By harmonizing masculine and feminine energies and embracing the Art of Non-Doing, this massage facilitates the circulation of Chi and promotes healing from within. 

What is Chi and why is it important? 

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chi is the life force energy. The character for chi (氣) means "energy'', "essence" or “air” and is the energy vitalizing our physical body and maintaining a balanced resilient mind, preventing the stressors from everyday life impacting our being. Chi operates by the principles of yin and yang, manifesting dynamic balance and influencing vital bodily functions. This energy current, when flowing harmoniously, sustains vitality and well-being, while stagnation or imbalance can lead to various kinds of health issues.

TAO Tantra Massage is for you if:

  • you wish to harmonize masculine and feminine energies within yourself and experience a state of balance and wholeness

  • you are interested in exploring the transformative power of touch and its potential for healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels

  • you are looking to release deep-seated emotional patterns and blockages, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

  • you prioritize holistic well-being and seek to nurture your body, mind, and spirit through conscious and intentional touch.

“Each session is a unique exploration, a sacred dance of opposites, where moments of touch seamlessly transition into moments of stillness, allowing individuals to tap into their innate healing potential and cultivate a deeper sense of harmony and wholeness from within.”


How Long does one massage session last?

One session will last about 3-4 hours, out of which about 2 hours are reserved for the massage sequence. We will begin the session with about one hour of connecting, answering any questions, and additional practices such as meditation or breathwork. My sessions are very individually prepared, based on your intentions for the massage. After the massage, there will be enough time for integration and reflection.

How TO prepare for the massage?

First, we will have a consultation call to talk about your intentions and decide together which method is the right one for you. Afterwards you will be asked to answer a few questions in an intake form which help me to tailor the session so that you take the most healing out of it.

Generally, have a good night’s sleep before, drink plenty of water and, if possible, avoid any mood-altering drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, sleeping pills, and even coffee for at least 24 hours before and after the session.

It is also recommended not to schedule anything immediately before or after a session so you have spacious time to breathe, feel, enjoy, and integrate. For that same reason, I recommend not to engage in sexual union with anyone for at least two hours after your session.

Can I expect results after one session?

The answer is: that every massage is a unique individual experience. Generally, for the best results, it is recommended to commit to at least 3 sessions of Taoist Tantra Massage followed by at least 3 sessions of Kashmiri Tantra Massage.

After the massage, you may feel heightened states of bliss and euphoria. You may experience moments of clarity of things bothering you for a while during, or a few days after the massage. The energy shifts are subtle and may take time to show up in your daily life. Most important is, that everything you will feel is coming from yourself, as a Tantra Facilitator I am merely helping to open the pathways for energy to flow freely.

What am I going to experience during the massage?

Again, every experience is very different. Even for the same person, each session will bring another journey. You may experience sudden emotional changes coming up without a specific reason. You may find your body wanting to move or involuntarily moving due to the unblocking of energy pathways in your physical and energetic body.

You may also experience a heightened state of pleasure in your whole body. Every expression of pleasure is welcome and encouraged, however, it is not the goal of the massage, merely a result of the inner shifts happening.