embrace your true desires and open to love in its purest form

Dismantle the walls you have built around yourself and embrace your true desires and open to love in its purest form. Focus inward, reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom. Form authentic connections, cultivate sacred union, free sexual expression, and uncover the diverse forms of intimacy.

Hi, I am tina!

I have been pursuing the classical image of an empowered woman my whole life. High performing at school, self-confident with my words, high ambition, and being a caretaker in my career, relationship and household. The perfect “future daughter in law” was my title in the University Year Book.

In order to stay up with all of that, I disconnected from my body more than I realised at that time. This also meant disconnection from my intuitive power, my emotional fluidity, and my access to pleasure. I was trying to fill the empty cup of my life force energy with excessive dating and overwork. Practicing Tantra has ultimately facilitated life in full awareness and acceptance by embracing my feminine power and my authentic self in all its lights and shadows.

About Tantra

Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions about Tantra is that it is only about sex. While sexual energy does play a fundamental role in many tantric practices, it's just one piece of a much larger puzzle. By practicing Tantra, we use conscious touch and the movement of energies to heighten our experience of pleasure and full-body bliss. This essence of Tantra lies in embracing desires rather than suppressing them, guiding individuals to perceive and transmute their energy into a source of empowerment and enrichment.


Whether you landed on this side because you are just curious to learn more about Tantra or already have a related topic you would like to work on, it is best to first get in touch with me via call or email before deciding on a service. Generally, I work on a very individual basis, tailoring our work together based on your needs but here you can get an overview of what is possible.

Touch Therapy



Tantra is a vessel to enhance your ability to be present, accept yourself and what is, AND to be fully connected to your body & Senses

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